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CEO Message

We connect local products in Japan with people in the global market and around the world.

We will approach through design etc. so that beautiful things in Japan can be used by many people in the world.


​ In England and Italy, where I stayed for two years to study abroad, I felt the charm of a European local city that nurtures a rich culture. Looking back at Japan, in the global capital market, the regions are exposed to severe conditions, and the desire to connect the world and the regions of Japan has sprung up. In the regions of Japan, the techniques inherited by economically vulnerable craftsmen and the unique values unique to the region gradually disappear, and as a result, each region has a tradition until then. It is no longer able to have the unique charm that it has protected as. This situation must be changed in order to pass on a rich culture to the next generation.

Moreover, in the modern age of globalization, the uniqueness of countries and regions is gradually diminishing, and the things people use and wear are becoming more uniform. While globalization has great potential, it also carries great risks from the perspective of maintaining cultural diversity. This is a social problem that is common not only in Japan but also in regions around the world.


We believe that a world full of cultural diversity, where countries and regions have unique merits, various products are distributed, is richer for people's lives than a uniform world. .. Looking at the current situation, many local things in Japan are unknown to the people of the world. There are various beautiful things in Japan, but as Japanese people, we rarely pay attention to their goodness, and we tend to be satisfied with the ones that are currently on the market. What is not known and its value is not equal. (Unknown is not equal to unvaluable)

Based on this idea, we will contribute to cultural diversity by communicating the goodness of Japanese local beautiful things to many people by devising them through design etc. Furthermore, through these activities, we will contribute to the revitalization of the region itself.

I don't think that the fact that a product has a history because it is a tradition does not mean that it has value. We maximize the value of itself through design, etc., convey it, and connect many people.

​October 2018

​Naho Yamauchi

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